For awhile now, we have known that STEM education offers students numerous advantages. STEM jobs grow every year by the millions. What we didn’t know was just how much value the Art have to offer STEM students. The effects of the Arts in education go far beyond just giving children a well-rounded experience. Universities are now realizing that by rejecting the false dichotomy between STEM and Art Integration, they can produce better prepared STEM graduates.
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art Integration, and Mathematics. STEAM advocates want to incorporate STEM into the Arts in three ways:
Make Art part of K-12 Education
Include Art and Design in STEM learning
Persuade employers to hire designers and artists who will drive innovation
The idea is that the arts contribute better education outcomes and the economy at large.
How Art Integration make STEM Better
The advantages of studying Art start much earlier. Researchers have observed that SAT scores are 98 points higher in students who studied Art for four years. This means that studying Art has a positive effect on overall academic performance. Not only does studying Art improve overall academic performance, it also improves verbal skills, math, and even school attendances.
Also, at a time when entrepreneurship is so admired, childhood exposure to the Arts made artists eight times more likely to establish a successful startup or register a patent. This means that exposing students to the Arts makes it more likely for the STEM graduates to drive innovation in the marketplace. A STEM education without sufficient exposure to the Arts denies students a well-rounded education.
Why STEAM is Essential
Training in the Arts improves interpretive skills. These are essential skills that help students to gather information, understand it, and draw conclusions from it. A combination of STEM and Arts in teaching has the potential to deliver a deeper learning experience for students.
Students who are exposed to the Arts develop improved problem solving and critical thinking skills, more innovation and creativity, better social skills, and improved flexibility as well as adaptability. Incorporating the Arts in STEM programs may have a positive impact on degree retention. Today, 60% of STEM graduates change their minds about completing the STEM program. The situation is made worse by the fact that only a quarter of high school students are interested in pursuing a STEM degree in the first place. A well-rounded learning experience makes learners more motivated and in turn improves school attendance and academic performance. This means that by keeping the Arts in school from K-12, the quality of education overall improves. The main premise of STEAM is that the Arts and STEM are not opposed but rather complementary.
The STEAM Generation uses it in their curriculum in programs such as video game design which requires both computer coding and digital art assets. By using the engineering design process, students develop skills in storyboarding, character development, environment design, audio/video editing, and user interaction. Participants in the program got a bit of art, engineering, physics, and mathematics, all in one. Can artistic thinking make better engineers and scientists? That is what all the evidence suggests.
Interested in enrolling your child in a STEAM program?
Check out The STEAM Generation – a STEAM enrichment program that provides hands-on classes, camps, and workshops for children 4-14.

There is one skill that can transform your child from a passive user of digital media to a creator of it. That skill is coding, and that is not all it can do. Getting your children to code has multiple advantages; improves their career prospects, makes them more creative, improves their math skills, and makes them better students overall.
Coding Kids Learn a New Language
You might have heard that exposing children to different languages while they are young gives them better cognitive abilities, including memory, focus, and brain function.
Coding has an entire language of its own where every letter is represented by its unique combination of 1’s and 0’s. Children who code have all the advantages of bilingual children.
The language of programming is called software and children can learn programming languages like Python, JavaScript, Java, and C#. C++ and Python are most commonly used in Robotics.
Coding Kids become Better Thinkers
Children who code are better at thinking because they learn logical thinking as they acquire and apply the skill of coding. They learn how to solve problems by practically applying decomposition which is part of computational thinking.
Computational thinking means taking care of a bigger problem by breaking it into smaller problems that are easier to handle.
Logical thinking is a life skill that children will find applicable in school and later on in life.
They use their creativity to not only think of ideas but also turn them into real solutions. These are in-demand skills that help to future-proof your child’s career prospects.
Coding Kids get Better at Math
Kids who code learn the language of math. They improve their ability to calculate and apply logic to situations. This makes math much easier for them. They organize and analyze data in a better way. The best thing about it is that they don’t even realize that they are practicing math.
Coding is a Vital Skill for Kids
STEM jobs are growing at a faster rate than ever before, and most STEAM jobs are in computing. Even with all this opportunity, only 8% of STEAM graduates have studied Computer Science.
What this means for your child is that if they learn to code, they are learning a vital, in-demand skill that helps set them up for a better future.
Your child has a much higher chance of getting into a rewarding STEAM career when they have some coding skills.
Besides jobs and careers, coding skills put your child ahead of their peers when it comes to getting internships and college admissions. College recruiters favor students who possess extra skills, and coding is one of them.
Coding Kids Nurture their Creativity
Programming helps children apply their creativity as well as logic. This is because programming is a creative endeavor.
They enjoy the challenge and reward of building real things.
Children learn to express themselves by making video games, creating the kind of apps and websites they want to see, and turning their imagination into reality.
Interested in enrolling your child in a STEAM program?
Check out The STEAM Generation – a STEAM enrichment program that provides hands-on classes, camps, and workshops for children 4-14.
This project is a great idea for a science fair.

Grade Level
4-5th Grade
Difficulty Level
Safety Issues
Material Availability
All necessary materials are readily available.
Project Time Frame
2 weeks
This project is a study in density.
The goals of this project are:
To discover the causes, effects and practical applications of density. To encourage technological advances.
Computer with internet access Color printer Digital camera Typical office/craft supplies (such as paper, pens & poster-board)
2 unopened diet soda cans
2 unopened regular soda cans
1 unopened seltzer water can
1 clear large storage bin
All materials can be found in your home or at local stores.
Density is a measurement that compares the amount of matter an object has to its volume. Objects that are lighter density than water will float.
Research Questions
What causes buoyancy?
How is buoyancy measured?
What kinds of cans will float and why?
How are the principles of buoyancy useful to us?
What is the difference between diet and regular soda?
Terms and Concepts to Start Background Research
Buoyancy Density Equilibrium Gravitational force
Marine Engineer
Research related materials (see bibliography below and search terms listed above)
Test whether soda cans sink or float.
Photograph all the cans with the labels showing.
Fill a large container with water. The water should be deep enough so you can easily tell which cans are floating and sinking.
Slowly place each can into the water one at a time.
Place each can on its side in the water so air is not trapped at the bottom of the can.
Observe the cans as you place them in the water. Which ones floating? Which ones sink?
After all the cans are in the water, try to figure out why some of the cans float and others sink.
Analyze the data.
Interpret your findings in a detailed report.
Include interesting photos in your science fair display.
Also display your cans and bin with water.
Wiki searches: “Density” and “Weight.”
Internet searches of your own choosing: Search for any of the terms listed above (or make up your own phrases to search), and click on any results that interest you. Have fun surfing the net!
Does your child have an interest in STEM/STEAM? Check out more of our hands-on project based learning programs such as our classes and camps.