How to Create a Fun and Educational Atmosphere for Your Child's Birthday
If you're looking to add some fun and educational flair to your child's birthday party, consider incorporating some STEAM-themed decorations! Not only will they make the party more visually interesting, but they'll also encourage your child and their friends to engage with science, technology, engineering, and math in a hands-on way.

Here are some DIY STEAM party decoration ideas to get you started:
Balloon Arch Test Tubes: Balloon arches are a classic party decoration, but you can put a STEAM twist on them by creating a series of test tubes out of balloons. Simply inflate long skinny balloons and twist them into test tube shapes, then string them together to form an arch.
Backdrop Made from Math Equations: Create a visually interesting and educational backdrop by printing out math equations on colored paper and sticking them to a white sheet or poster board. You could even use equations that relate to the age of your child, like basic arithmetic for younger kids or algebra for older ones.
DIY Solar System Mobile: Create a solar system mobile by painting Styrofoam balls to look like each planet and hanging them from a wire or string. You could even use glow-in-the-dark paint to make it extra special!
Building Block Centerpieces: Use colorful building blocks to create fun and functional centerpieces. Stack the blocks to make towers or structures, and add small figurines or toys to complete the look.
Edible Geometric Shapes: Use fruit or vegetables to create edible geometric shapes like cubes, spheres, and pyramids. Not only will they look great on the table, but they'll also encourage kids to think about math concepts in a fun and delicious way.
Robot Balloon Garland: Create a garland of robot balloons by inflating balloons in different colors and shapes to create robot-like forms. Add details like paper cutouts for eyes and mouths to bring them to life.
Science Experiment Station: Set up a science experiment station by filling beakers with colored water or vinegar and baking soda for a fun and fizzy reaction. You could even add some safety goggles and lab coats to really get into the spirit!
Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and encourage curiosity and creativity in your child and their friends. By incorporating STEAM-themed decorations, you'll create a party that's both fun and educational. Happy decorating!
This project is a great idea for a science fair.

Grade Level
4-5th Grade
Difficulty Level
Safety Issues
Material Availability
All necessary materials are readily available.
Project Time Frame
2 weeks
This project is a study in density.
The goals of this project are:
To discover the causes, effects and practical applications of density. To encourage technological advances.
Computer with internet access Color printer Digital camera Typical office/craft supplies (such as paper, pens & poster-board)
2 unopened diet soda cans
2 unopened regular soda cans
1 unopened seltzer water can
1 clear large storage bin
All materials can be found in your home or at local stores.
Density is a measurement that compares the amount of matter an object has to its volume. Objects that are lighter density than water will float.
Research Questions
What causes buoyancy?
How is buoyancy measured?
What kinds of cans will float and why?
How are the principles of buoyancy useful to us?
What is the difference between diet and regular soda?
Terms and Concepts to Start Background Research
Buoyancy Density Equilibrium Gravitational force
Marine Engineer
Research related materials (see bibliography below and search terms listed above)
Test whether soda cans sink or float.
Photograph all the cans with the labels showing.
Fill a large container with water. The water should be deep enough so you can easily tell which cans are floating and sinking.
Slowly place each can into the water one at a time.
Place each can on its side in the water so air is not trapped at the bottom of the can.
Observe the cans as you place them in the water. Which ones floating? Which ones sink?
After all the cans are in the water, try to figure out why some of the cans float and others sink.
Analyze the data.
Interpret your findings in a detailed report.
Include interesting photos in your science fair display.
Also display your cans and bin with water.
Wiki searches: “Density” and “Weight.”
Internet searches of your own choosing: Search for any of the terms listed above (or make up your own phrases to search), and click on any results that interest you. Have fun surfing the net!
Does your child have an interest in STEM/STEAM? Check out more of our hands-on project based learning programs such as our classes and camps.

The children of today are the leaders, scientists, inventors, and creators of tomorrow, and from a very young age they crave experiences that help them learn. Here at The STEAM Generation we understand that cultivating their interest in new things is key to building the skills and talent that will drive innovation and continue to improve our communities.
Our goal is to help students learn to think critically and to understand how interconnected the worlds of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) really are. To do this, The STEAM Generation works to build unique age-appropriate curriculum that makes learning a fun and engaging activity. The integration of the arts component into STEM makes it more fun to learn and more approachable to children. We focus on solving complex real-world scenarios and supporting students as they think, research, and collaborate with others to find a solution.
For example, in a typical preschool design project our students are encouraged to apply crucial engineering and innovation tactics while developing a sense of curiosity and creativity. The STEAM Generation projects foster a hands-on learning environment where knowledge is developed, not taught.
We would love to have your child join us on our next STEAM adventure! We are confident they will have fun, make great memories, and develop critical thinking skills that will benefit them no matter what future career they choose!
Learn more about our STEAM PROGRAMS.